La Seu d'Urgell
The Parc Olímpic
del Segre is right beside the historical centre of la Seu d'Urgell,
noted for its Cathedral of Santa Maria, a 12th century
Romanesque building which has become one of the symbols of the
city. Over against the cloister, there is the 11th century
Romanesque Church of Sant Miquel, and the Diocesan Museum, which contains a valuable
collection of religious art, in particular a 10th century Beatus.
The historical city centre contains its commercial activity which
is enriched by the market held on Tuesday and Saturday
each week. You can find all manner of home made local products:
delicatessen, wild mushrooms, cheese and butter, meat ...
The Valleys of
The Parc Olímpic
del Segre stands at the foot of the Cadí-Moixeró nature park,
the largest protected space in Catalonia. Its high mountain landscapes
with leafy woods and natural meadows alternating with limestone
rocks form a great variety of ecosystems and are favourable
to the presence of numerous species of flora and fauna.
There are four esquí nòrdic resorts (Aransa,
Lles, Sant Joan de l'Erm and Tuixent-La Vansa) in areas close
to la Seu d'Urgell with a wide offer of activities all year round.